FAIRY TALES, WPA Theater "Brilliant" - Clive Barnes, The New York
Post "Praiseworthy" - The New York Times "Especially notable (is) Rob Maitner for his comic
turns" - Variety
THE BAD SMILE, The Stras Theater, Los Angeles "There are riveting moments,
particularly from thesp Maitner" - Variety
THE OTHER SIDE OF DARKNESS, The Bleeker Street Theater "Rob Maitner
getting many laughs with expert timing" - Rob Lester, Edge NY "The vibrant, ruefully
humorous Rob Maitner as Jay brings a distinctive spark of complexity...He mines a depth and self-awareness from Jay's opportunism
and romantic disappointment that I'm not sure even exists in the text." - Terri Galvin, NYTheatre.com
EVERY XMAS STORY EVER TOLD, Orlando Shakespeare Theater "The best thing
about this revival is Rob Maitner, hilariously making fun of himself at the same time he makes fun of the Christmas tales
we are reliving...Maitner never allows himself to be weighed down by the material and provides the evening with the brevity
it greatly needs." - Matthew MacDermid, Talkinbroadway.com "A cross between Jeremy Piven
and Nathan Lane" - Orlando Weekly
FLEET WEEK, The Lucille Lortel Theater "Mr. Maitner is expecially good"
- The New York Times